Hello techno craze lovers,today we are going to present an awesome security trick by which you can check if Your Facebook was Infected.Yes,you can really check just like you do with your personal computer by scanning it with an antivirus.This is same security method.
In todays world,importance of security is very well known and nobody can neglect it,with the increasing fear of virus and hackers,we caannot neglect security of our accounts.Facebook is an important social place where we go each and every day,and even sometimes,numerous of times .So,its security holds great importance.So,lets start and see how yo can do it
1.Go to this website http://www.faceinfected.com/
2.click start
3.Select "go to app"
4.select "allow"
5.Now you will see 6 scanning options,select which item you want to scan.Here i recommend to specially scan links as they are most root cause of security.
6. It will give you details after scanning like "No malware virus".
Thats it.
You can do this regularly or even when you think a security problem has hitted your account.
People on Facebook have great power—they can Friend, Chat, share Status Updates, post Comments, share Links, tag Photos, post Videos, join Groups, create Pages, design Polls, and play together using Applications. They use Facebook to promote causes, interests, and themselves! Facebook allows the world to be more open and connected by giving its users the tools to interact and share in any conceivable way. And, to paraphrase the superhero, with great power comes great responsibility. Just as a city paints sidewalks, and pedestrians look both ways before crossing the street, security on Facebook is a responsibility shared between Facebook and the people who use its platform.
You are the first line of defense in protecting your account. You can take control of your protection by using strong passwords, taking advantage of the many advanced security settings that provide authentication as well as secure communications, and making sure you log out when you are done.
So,this was all about "How to Check if Your Facebook is Infected".I hope you enjoyed this article.If you are facing any difficulty at any step,kindly tell me,i will reply as soon as possible.And please support us by sharing this article on various social media by buttons given.
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